We no longer have open

public adoption hours.

We now schedule appointments

for adoptions with Completed

Adoption Applications. You can

download/submit Adoption 

Application Forms, and view bios

and pictures of our available

animals under the "Adoption

Info" Menu item above.  


Mower County
Humane Society
101 22nd Street SE
Austin, MN 55912
Phone: ​(507) 437-9262
Dog Side:  Carey Sharp
Cat Side:  Kelly Rush
President: Jay Lutz
Vice Pres.: Liz Coughlin
Treasurer: Kathy Stencel
Donation Information

Donate to MCHS

As a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization, we rely heavily on public donations.  Our adoption fees do not cover the actual costs of caring for the animals while awaiting adoption—including the costs of food, shelter, medical care, vaccinations, de-worming and flea control, as well as spaying/neutering. There are many ways you can help us pay for the care and feeding of the animals, and donations are tax deductible.

Donate Online Via Credit Card

Give MN donation page for Mower County Humane Society

Mighty Cause donation page for Mower County Humane Society

Donate By Mail

If you would prefer to mail us a check or money order, please download and fill out the donation form and  mail to:

Mower County Humane Society
Attention: Treasurer
101 22nd Street SE
Austin, MN  55912

Donate Supplies

We always welcome donations of pet food, and cleaning supplies!

Our Wish List

Estate Planning

It always warms our hearts to learn that someone has included MCHS in their will. Remembering MCHS in this way is the ultimate expression of your dedication to the care and advocacy of Mower County animals!

Please  to let us know if you have included MCHS in your will or if you have questions about doing so.

How You Can Help

Learn more about how you can help the animals by